
169.Exfoliation of Graphene and Assembly Formation with Alkylated-C60: A Nanocarbon Hybrid towards Photo-Energy Conversion Electrode Devices”
Yanfei Shen,* Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Jeong-O Lee, Junko Aimi, Takashi Nakanishi*
Adv. Optical Mater., 2015, in press. (DOI: 10.1002/adom.201400619)
168. “Alkyl-π engineering in state control toward versatile optoelectronic soft materials”
Fengniu Lu, Takashi Nakanishi*
Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 2015, 16 (1), 014805 (20pp). (Open Access Article, Hot Paper)
(Focus on Future Leaders in Nanoarchitectonics, Invited Review)
167.Synthesis and self-assembly of phthalocyanine-tethered block copolymers”
Junko Aimi,* Motonori Komura, Tomokazu Iyoda, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Masayuki Takeuchi, Takashi Nakanishi*
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3 (11), 2484-2490. (Back Cover Picture)
166. “Self-assembly Control by Alkyl-π Engineering”
Takashi Nakanishi*
CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, 2015, 66 (6), 405-413.
165. “アルキル-πエンジニアリングによる光電子機能性ソフトマテリアルデザイン”
Takashi Nakanishi*
新学術領域研究「柔らかな分子系」ニュースレター, 2015, (19), 100.

164. “Directed assembly of optoelectronically active alkyl-π-conjugated molecules by adding n-alkanes or π-conjugated species”
Martin J. Hollamby,* Maciej Karny, Paul H. H. Bomans, Nico A. J. M. Sommerdijk, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Hiroyuki Minamikawa,
Isabelle Grillo, Brian R. Pauw, Paul Brown, Julian Eastoe, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
Nature Chem., 2014, 6 (8), 690-696.
163.Fullerene assemblies toward photo-energy conversions”
Yanfei Shen, Takashi Nakanishi*
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16 (16), 7199-7204.
162.Room Temperature Liquid Formulation by Attaching Alkyl Chains on π-Conjugated Molecules”
Takashi Nakanishi*
J. Synth. Org. Chem., Jpn., 2014, 72 (11), 1265-1270.
(Open Access Article)
161.Controlled self-assembly of alkylated-π compounds for soft materials - Towards optical and optoelectronic applications”
Agnieszka Zielinska, Marcin Leonowicz, Hongguang Li,* Takashi Nakanishi*
Curr, Opin, Coll. Interface Sci., 2014, 19, 131-139.
160. “A simple method for the quantification of molecular decorations on silica particles”
Daniel N. Mangos, Takashi Nakanishi, David A. Lewis*
Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 2014, 15, 015002 (6pp).
159. “Exotic Self-Organized Fullerene Materials Based on Uncommon Hydrophobic-Amphiphilic Approach”
Yanfei Shen, Takashi Nakanishi*
Struct. Bond., 2014, 159, 1-22.
Fullerenes and Other Carbon-Rich Nanostructures, J.-F. Nierengarten (Ed), Springer.
158. “炭素材料”
Takashi Nakanishi*
有機機能材料 基礎から応用まで, 講談社, 2014, 210-219.
157. “フラーレン誘導体を用いたソフトマテリアル”
Takashi Nakanishi*
フラーレン誘導体・内包技術の最前線, 松尾豊(監修), シーエムシー出版, 2014, 4章, 211-220.
156. “Exotic Organic Liquid Materials at Room Temperature”
Takashi Nakanishi*
科学と工業, 2014, 88 (10), 376-383.
155. “Order from Disorder: π系-アルキル「液体」分子を基材に自己組織化”
Takashi Nakanishi*
新学術領域研究「柔らかな分子系」ニュースレター, 2014, (12), 54.

154. “Nonvolatile liquid anthracenes for facile full-colour luminescence tuning at single blue-light excitation”
Sukumarana Santhosh Babu, Martin J. Hollamby, Junko Aimi, Hiroaki Ozawa, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Kenji Kobayashi,
Keita Hagiwara, Michito Yoshizawa, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
Nature Commun., 2013, 4:1969, doi: 10.1038/ncomms2969.
153. “Alkylated-C60 based soft materials: regulation of self-assembly and optoelectronic properties by chain branching”
Hongguang Li, Sukumaran Santhosh Babu, Sarah T. Turner, Dieter Neher, Martin J. Hollamby, Tomohiro Seki, Shiki Yagai,
Yonekazu Deguchi, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1 (10), 1943-1951.
(Back Inside Cover)
152.The power of branched chains: optimising functional molecular materials”
Martin J. Hollamby, Takashi Nakanishi*
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1 (39), 6178-6183.
151.Nonvolatile functional molecular liquids”
Sukumaran Santhosh Babu, Takashi Nakanishi*
Chem. Commun., 2013, 49 (82), 9373-9382.
(Feature Article, Front Cover Picture)
150. “Optoelectronic Functional Materials Based on Alkylated-π Molecules: Self-Assembled Architectures and Nonassembled Liquids”
Hongguang Li, Jiyoung Choi, Takashi Nakanishi*
Langmuir, 2013, 29 (18), 5394-5406.
Feature Article, Front Cover Picture)
149. “Structural Requirements for Producing Solvent-Free Room Temperature Liquid Fullerenes”
Tsuyoshi Michinobu,* Kensuke Okoshi, Yoshihiko Murakami, Kiyotaka Shigehara, Katsuhiko Ariga, Takashi Nakanishi*
Langmuir, 2013, 29 (17), 5337-5344.
148. “Nanoplasmonic Modification of the Local Morphology, Shape, and Wetting Properties of Nanoflake Microparticles”
Hidehiko Asanuma, Prabal Subedi, Jurgen Hartmann, Yanfei Shen, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*, Andre Skirtach*
Langmuir, 2013, 29 (24), 7464-7471.
(Contributed a part of Front Cover Picture)
147. “Electrochemical Synthesis of Transparent, Amorphous C60-Rich Photoactive Low Doped Film with Interconnected Structure”
Mao Li, Shinsuke Ishihara, Kei Ohkubo, Meiyong Liao, Qingmin J, Cheng Gu, Xiangfen Jiang, Yuyu Pan, Misaho Akada, Jonathan P. Hill,
Takashi Nakanishi, Yuguang Ma, Yusuke Yamauchi, Shunichi Fukuzum, Katsuhiko Ariga
Small, 2013, 9 (12), 2064-2068.
146. “自己組織化および非組織化戦略に基づくポリモルフィック材料創製”
Takashi Nakanishi*
超分子アニュアルレビュー, 2013, 33, 8-9.
145. “「自己組織化」がもたらす材料科学の新境地−若手研究者の飽くなき挑戦−”(巻頭言)
Takashi Nakanishi*
月刊「機能材料」, 2013, 33 (5), 3.
144. “自己組織化超モルフォロジー材料:超撥水膜および光エネルギー応用”
Takashi Nakanishi*
月刊「機能材料」, 2013, 33 (5), 20-25.
143. “アルキル鎖によって誘導されるπ共役系有機ソフト材料の開発”
Takashi Nakanishi*
表面, 2013, 51 (7), 378-379.
142. “自己組織化技法により作製する超撥水膜”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Polyfile, 2013, 50 (593), 17-21.


141. “Solvent-Free Luminescent Organic Liquids”
Sukumarana Santhosh Babu, Junko Aimi, Hiroaki Ozawa, Naoto Shirahata, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51 (14), 3391-3395.

(Highlighted in Nature, 2012, 484, 9., ChemistryViews, and Press released from Wiley)
140. “CdSe Nanocrystals/C60-liquid composite material with enhanced photoelectrochemical performance”
Theodore J. Kramer, Sukumaran Santhosh Babu, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Junko Aimi, Takashi Nakanishi*
J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22 (42), 22370-22373.
(Selected as a
Hot Paper in JMC Blog)
139. “Nanostructured Cocrystals of a Borazine with [60]Fullerene”
Simon Kervyn, Takashi Nakanishi*, Junko Aimi, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Benoit Champagne, Davide Bonifazi*
Chem. Lett., 2012, 41 (10), 1210-1212. (Open Access)
138. “Microstructured objects produced by the supramolecular hierarchical assembly of an organic free radical gathering hydrophobic-amphiphilic characteristics”
Francisco Vera, Marta Mas-Torrent, Jordi Esquena, Concepcio Rovira, Yanfei Shen, Takashi Nakanishi, Jaume Veciana*
Chem. Sci, 2012, 3 (6), 1958-1962.
137. “Photoconductivity and enhanched memory effects in hybrid C60-graphene transistors”
Eun-Kyoung Jeon, Cheol-Soo Yang, Yanfei Shen, Takashi Nakanishi, Dae-sung Jeong, Ju-Jin Kim, Ki-suk Ahn, Ki-jeong Kong and Jeong-O Lee*
Nanotechnology, 2012, 23 (45), 455202 (6pp).
136. “Self-Assembly Properties of Fullerenes”
Martin J. Hollamby, Takashi Nakanishi*
Fullerene:Synthesis, Properties and Applications
R. F. Verner, C. Benvegnu (Eds), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2012, Chapter 9. p.381-402.
135. “Nanoscopic Organisation of Fullerenes”
Sukumaran Santhosh Babu, Takashi Nakanishi*
Fullerenes: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition
F. Langa, J. F. Nierengarten (Eds), RSC, 2012, Chapter 9, p.329-353.
134. “Supramolecular Chemistry of Fullerene-Containing Micelles and Gels”
Hongguang Li, Sukumaran Santhosh Babu, Takashi Nakanishi*
Supramolecular Chemistry of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes, 1st Edition
N. Martin, J. F. Nierengarten (Eds), Wiley-VCH, 2012, Chapter 7, p.159-172.
133. “Fullerene-Based Self-Assembled Morphological Materials”
Yanfei Shen, Junko Aimi, Takashi Nakanishi*
Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials
F. D'Souza, K. M. Kadish (Eds), World Scientific, Singapore, 2012, Vol. 4, Chapter 5, p.189-216.
132. “不揮発性青色発光常温液体を母体とする白色発光インク開発”
Takashi Nakanishi*
機能材料, 2012, 32 (11), 47-53.
131. “π共役分子とアルキル長鎖からなるエキゾチック自己組織化材料”
Takashi Nakanishi*
化学工業, 2012, 63 (6), 443-448.
130. “フラーレンからの超撥水膜の創製”
Takashi Nakanishi*
エレクトロニクス・エネルギー分野における超撥水・超親水化技術, 技術情報協会
2012, 第2節[12], p.230-240.
129. “白色発光する不揮発性液体を開発 -様々な基板に塗布可能、フルカラー発光も容易-”
Takashi Nakanishi*
NIMS NOW 2012, November (9), 10.

128. “Assembly of carbon nanotubes and alkylated fullerenes: nanocarbon hybrid towards photovoltaic applications”
Yanfei Shen,* Juan Sebastian Reparaz, Markus Raphael Wagner, Axel Hoffmann, Christian Thomsen, Jeong-O Lee, Sebastian Heeg, Benjamin Hatting, Stephanie Reich, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Kaname Yoshida, Sukumarana Santhosh Babu, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
Chem. Sci. 2011, 2 (11), 2243-2250.
127. “Versatile Self-Assembled Hybrid Systems with Exotic Structures and Unique Functions”
Takashi Nakanishi*, Masanobu Naito, Yukikazu Takeoka, Kazunori Matsuura
Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 2011, 16 (6), 482-490.
126. “Multifunctional, Polymorphic, Ionic Fullerene Supramolecular Materials: Self-Assembly and Thermotropic Properties”
Hongguang Li, Martin J. Hollamby, Tomohiro Seki, Siki Yagai, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
Langmuir 2011, 27 (12), 7493-7501.
125. “Millimeter-sized Flat Crystalline Sheet Architectures of Fullerene Assemblies with Anisotropic Photoconductivity”
Sukumaran Santhosh Babu, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13 (11), 4830-4834.
124. “Langmuir Monolayer of Cholesterol-Armed Cyclen Complex That Can Control Enantioselectivity of Amino Acid Recognition by Surface Pressure”
Tsuyoshi Michinobu,* Satoshi Shinoda, Takashi Nakanishi, Jonathan P. Hill, Kazuko Fujii, Tomoko N. Player, Hiroshi Tsukube, Katsuhiko Ariga
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13 (11), 4895-4900.
123. “Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Supramolecular Assemblies of Fyrrole-Based Anion Receptors Bearing Modified Pyrrole-beta-Substituents”
Yohei Haketa,Shohei Sakamoto, Kengo Chigusa, Takashi Nakanishi, Horomitsu Maeda*
J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76 (13), 5177-5184.
122. “Supramolecular Materialization of Fullerenes Assemblies”
Sukumaran Santhosh Babu, Hidehiko Asanuma, Takashi Nakanishi*
Supramolecular Soft Matter: Applications in Materials and Organic Electronics
T. Nakanishi (Ed), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011, Chapter 1, p.3-18.
121. “Supramolecular Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Kun'ichi Miyazawa, Katsuhiko Ariga
Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2nd Edition
H. S. Nalwa (Ed), American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, 2011, Vol. 23,p. 545-578.
120. “Supramolecular Assemblies of Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Yanfei Shen, Jiaobing Wang
Handbook of Nanophysics: Clusters and Fullerenes
K. Sattler (Ed), Taylor&Francis, Boca Raton, 2011, Part V, p.38-1/p.38-13.
119. “エキゾチック自己組織化構造材料”
Takashi Nakanishi*
未来材料, 2011, 11 (9), 2-5.
118. “エキゾチック自己組織化構造由来の材料創製”
Junko Aimi, Takashi Nakanishi*
表面, 2011, 49 (8), 257-264.
117. “カーボンナノ材料を基軸とした超モルフォロジー材料の設計”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Colloid & Interface Communication, 2011, 36 (3), 6-8.
116. “自己組織化の概念をベースに、実際に使える次世代有機材料の開発を目指す”
Takashi Nakanishi*
One Hour Interview, 最前線の分子科学
Harima Quarterly, 2011,Vol. 109 AUTUMN, 4-7.
115. “ようこそ!研究室へ:マックスプランク/コロイド・界面化学研究所”
Kenichi Imura, Takashi Nakanishi
CSJ Current Review04, 新しい局面を迎えた界面の分子科学, 2011,Chapter 4, 24-27.
114. “第10回日本油化学会オレオサイエンス賞受賞によせて”
Takashi Nakanishi*
オレオサイエンス, 2011, 11 (8), p.288.

113. “Supramolelcular soft and hard materials based on self-assembly algorithms of alkyl-conjugated fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Chem. Commun. 2010, 46 (20), 3425-3436. (Feature Article)
112. “Assembly of Fullerene-Carbon Nanotubes: Temperature Indicator for Photothermal Conversion”
Yanfei Shen, Andre G. Skirtach, Tomohiro Seki, Shiki Yagai, Hongguang Li, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132 (25), 8566-8568.
111. “Recent progresses in morphology control of supramolecular fullerene assemblies and its applications”
Sukumarana Santhosh Babu, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi,*
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2010, 39 (11), 4021-4035. (Front Cover Page)
110. “Fullerene Derivatives That Bear Aliphatic Chains as Unusual Surfactants: Hierarchical Self-Organization, Diverse Morphologies, and Functions”
Hidehiko Asanuma, Hongguang Li, Takashi Nakanishi,* Helmuth Moehwald
Chem. Eur. J., 2010, 16 (31), 9330-9338 (Concept, Frontispiece Image)
109. “Superstructures and superhydrophobic property in hierarchical organized architectures of fullerenes bearing long alkyl tails”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Yanfei Shen, Jiaobing Wang, Hongguang Li, Paulo Fernandes, Kaname Yoshida, Shiki Yagai, Masayuki Takeuchi, Katsuhiko Ariga, Dirk G. Kurth, Helmuth Moehwald
J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20 (7), 1253-1260. (Back Cover Page)
(Highlighting the work of emerging investigators in materials chemistry)
108. “Molecular Arrangement of Alkylated Fullerenes in the Liquid Crystalline Phase Studied with X-ray Diffraction”
Paulo Fernandes, Shiki Yagai, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
Langmuir, 2010, 26 (6), 4339-4345.
107. “Flowerlike supramolecular architectures assembled from C60 equipped with a pyridine substituent”
Xuan Zhang, Takashi Nakanishi*, Tetsuya Ogawa, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Yanfei Shen, Yusuke Yamauchi, Masayuki Takeuchi*
Chem. Commun., 2010, 46 (46), 8752-8754. (Carbon Nanostructuresweb-theme issue)
106. “Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Latexes”
Markus Antonietti, Yanfei Shen, Takashi Nakanishi, Michael Manuelian, Robert Campbell, Liang Gwee, Yossef A. Elabd, Nikhil Tambe, Rene Cormbez, John Texter
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2010, 2 (5), 649-653.
105. “Multi-Layer Electron Transfer across Nanostructures Ag-SAM-Au-SAM Junctions Probed by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”
Murat Sezer, Jiu-Ju Feng, Khoa H. Ly, Yanfei Shen, Takashi Nakanishi, Uwe Kuhlmann, Peter Hildebrandt, Helmuth Moehwald, Inz M. Weidinger
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12 (33), 9822-9829.
104. “Multi-Shaped Supramolecular Materials -Soft Materials and Hard Materials-”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Oleoscience, 2010, 10 (2), 63-71. (in Japanese)
103. “Sciences Creating from Concert of Material Chemistry and Interfaces −Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Gendai Kagaku, 2010, (3), 48-51. (in Japanese)
102. “Materialization of Supramolecular Assemblies of Fullerenes with Controlled Dimensionality”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Catalysts and Catalysis, 2010, 52 (3), 184-189. (in Japanese)
101. “Synthesis and Functionalization of Liquid Crystalline Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Liquid Crystals -Structure Control and Functions-, CMC, 2010, 2-8, p. 193-202. (in Japanese)


100. “Self-Assembly Made Durable: Water-Repellent Materials Formed by Cross-Linking Fullerene Derivatives”
Jiaobing Wang, Yanfei Shen, Stefanie Kessel, Paulo Fernandes, Kaname Yoshida, Shiki Yagai, Dirk G. Kurth, Helmuth Moehwald, Takashi Nakanishi*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48 (12), 2166-2170.
99. “Supramolecular Templates for Nanoflake-Metal Surfaces”
Yanfei Shen, Jiaobing Wang, Uwe Kuhlmann, Peter Hildebrandt, Katsuhiko Ariga, Helmuth Moehwald, Dirk G. Kurth, Takashi Nakanishi*
Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15 (12), 2763-3767 (Communication). (Front Cover Page)
98. “Supramolecular Shape Shifter: Polymorphs of Self-Organized Fullerene Assemblies”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Jiaobing Wang, Helmuth Moehwald, Dirk G. Kurth, Tsuyoshi Michinobu, Masayuki Takeuchi, Katsuhiko Ariga
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2009, 9 (1), 550-556.
97. “Hierarchically Organized Soft-Materials Based on Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi*
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2009, 159, 012005 (p.1-8).
96. “The Effect of Surface Free Energy on PDMS Transfer in Microcontact Printing, and its Application to Tof-SIMS to Probe Surface Energies”
Yang Li, Naoto Shirahata, Gaurav Saini, Feng Zhang, Lei Pei, Matthew Asplund, Dirk G. Kurth, Katsuhiko Ariga, Ken Sautter, Takashi Nakanishi, Vincent Smentkoeski, Matthew Linford
Langmuir 2009, 25 (10), 5674-5683.
95. “Supramolecular Chemistry of Fullerenes: Regulation of Properties and Self-Organized Structures of Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Katsuhiko Ariga
BOTTOM-UP NANOFABRICATION: Supramolecules, Self-Assemblies, and Organized Films
K. Ariga and H. S. Nalwa (Eds), American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, 2009, Vol. 1, Chapter 7, p. 203-223.
94. “Materialization of Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Kun'ichi Miyazawa, Katsuhiko Ariga
BOTTOM-UP NANOFABRICATION: Supramolecules, Self-Assemblies, and Organized Films
K. Ariga and H. S. Nalwa (Eds), American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, 2009, Vol. 1, Chapter 9, p. 249-263.
93. “Two-Dimensional Supramolecular Chemistry at the Air-Water Interface : Molecular Recognition, Patterning, and Related Functions”
Katsuhiko Ariga, Takashi Nakanishi, Masahiko Miyahara
BOTTOM-UP NANOFABRICATION: Supramolecules, Self-Assemblies, and Organized Films
K, Ariga and H. S. Nalwa (Eds), American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, 2009, Vol. 1, Chapter 16, p. 435-459.
92. “Dynamic Functions at Molecularly-Assembled Films”
Katsuhiko Ariga, Takashi Nakanishi, Tsuyoshi Michinobu
Soft Nanomaterials
H. S. Nalwa (Ed), American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, 2009, Vol. 1, Chapter 3, p. 109-140.
91. “Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Films with Fractal Morphology Based on Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Topology Designing, NTS, 2009, Chapter 5-3-2, p. 403-411. (in Japanese)
90. “Superhydrophobic Fullerene Films and Liquid Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Supramolecular Sciences & Technology, T. Kunitake (Ed), NTS, 2009, chapter3-4, p. 729-734. (in Japanese)
89. “Developing Sustainable and Multi-talented Materials through Simple Organic Synthesis and Molecular Organizations”
Takashi Nakanishi*
NIMS NOW International, Face interview, 2009, 7 (1), 9.
88. “Lab Introduction of MPI-NIMS International Joint Laboratory”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Oleoscience, 2009, 9 (7), 303-304. (in Japanese)
87. “Superhydrophobic Materials”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Nanospace Materials -Fundamentals and Applications-, 2009, Chapter6-5, p. 250-257 (in Japanese)
86. “Life in Oversea -Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Colloids and Interfaces Communication, 2009, 34 (4), 23-24. (in Japanese)


85. “Nano-Carbon Superhydrophobic Surfaces Created from Fullerene Based Hierarchical Supramolecular Assemblies”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Tsuyoshi Michinobu, Kaname Yoshida, Naoto Shirahata, Katsuhiko Ariga, Helmuth Moehwald, Dirk G. Kurth
Adv. Mater. 2008, 20 (3), 443-446.
84. “Electron Transport and Electrochemistry of Mesomorphic Fullerenes with Long-Range Ordered Lamellae”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Yanfei Shen, Jiaobing Wang, Shiki Yagai, Masahiro Funahashi, Takashi Kato, Paulo Fernandes, Helmuth Moehwald, Dirk G. Kurth
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130 (29), 9236-9237 (Communication).
83. “Fine-tuning Supramolecular Assemblies of Fullerenes Bearing Long Alkyl Chains”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Hirokazu Takahashi, Tsuyoshi Michinobu, Jonathan P. Hill, Toshiharu Teranishi, Katsuhiko Ariga
Thin Solid Films 2008, 516, 2401-2406.
82. “Fullerene Nanowires on Graphite: Epitaxial Self-Organization of a Fullerene Bearing Double Long-Aliphatic Chains”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Hirokazu Takahashi, Tsuyoshi Michinobu, Masayuki Takeuchi, Toshiharu Teranishi, Katsuhiko Ariga
Colloids & Surfaces A 2008, 321, 99-105.
81. “Supramolecular Polymerization and Polymorphs of Oligo(p-phenylene vinylene)-Functionalized Bis- and Monoureas”
Shiki Yagai, Shun Kubota, Tomoyuki Iwashima, Keiki Kishikawa, Takashi Nakanishi, Takashi Karatsu, Akihide Kitamura
Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14 (17), 5246-5257.
80. “Chiral Recognition at Air-Water Interface”
Katsuhiko Ariga, Tsuyoshi Michinobu, Takashi Nakanishi, Jonathan P. Hill
Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci., 2008, 13, 23-30.
79. “Fullerene C60 Aggregates”
Takashi Nakanishi*
KogyoZairyo, 2008, 56 (1), 4-5. (in Japanese)
78. “Development of supramolecular materials based on fine-tuning of intermolecular interactions”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Hyomen, 2008, 46 (3), 105-115. (in Japanese)
77. “Superhydrophobic Materials Based on a Fullerene-Aliphatic Chains Amphiphile”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Hot Topics, Polymer, 2008, 57 (6), 423.
76. “Superhydrophobic Films Based on Fullerene Materials”
Takashi Nakanishi*
NIMS NOW International 2008, 6 (6), 9.
75. “World first super water-repellent membranes from fullerenes: stepping stone in the preparation of soft materials”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Kagaku 2008, 63 (9), 50-55. (in Japanese)
74. “Soft-Materials based on Fullerenes: Fine-tuning of Intermolecular Forces”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Newsletters, The Division of Colloids and Surface Chemistry, 2008, 33 (4), 2-6. (in Japanese)
73. “Asperity Control by Self-Assembly”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Technologies and Materials of Water- and Oil-Repellent, K. Tujii (Ed), CMC Books, Chapter 11, p. 114-124. (in Japanese)


72. “Flower-Shaped Supramolecular Assemblies: Hierarchical Organization of a Fullerene Bearing Long Aliphatic Chains”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Katsuhiko Ariga, Tsuyoshi Michinobu, Kaname Yoshida, Hiroaki Takahashi, Toshiharu Teranishi, Helmuth Moehwald, Dirk G. Kurth
Small, 2007, 3 (12), 2019-2023 (Communication). (Front Cover Page)
71. “Aryl-Substituted C3-Bridged Oligopyrroles as Anion Receptors for Formation of Supramolecular Organogels”
Hiromitsu Maeda, Yohei Haketa, Takashi Nakanishi
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129 (44), 13661-13674.
70. “Diversification of Self-Organized Dye Architectures by Hydrogen-Bonding”
Shiki Yagai, Tetsuro Kinishita, Masatsugu Higashi, Keiki Kishikawa
Takashi Nakanishi, Takashi Karatsu, Akihide Kitamura
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129 (43), 13277-13287.
69. “Micro- and Nanometer-scale Prous, Fibrous, and Sheet Architectures Fabricated by Supramolecular Assemblies of Dipyrrolyldiketones”
Hiromitsu Maeda,* Yukio Kusunose, Masahiro Terasaki, Yoshihiro Ito, Chitoko Fujimoto, Rika Fujii, Takashi Nakanishi*
Chem. Asian J. 2007, 2 (3), 350-357. (Inside Cover Page)
68. “Dipyrrolylpyrazoles: anion receptors in protonated form and efficient building blocks for organized structures”
Hiromitsu Maeda, Yoshihiro Ito, Yukio Kusunose, Takashi Nakanishi
Chem. Commun. 2007, (11), 1136-1138.
67. “Self-Assembled Microstructures of Functional Molecules”
Katsuhiko Ariga, Takashi Nakanishi, Jonathan P. Hill
Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 2007, 12, 106-120.
66. “Lamgmuir-Blodgett (LB) films on electrodes (B) Electrochemistry”
Takashi Nakanishi, Naotoshi Nakashima
Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry Series, Volume 10, Modified Electrodes
M. Fujihira, J. F. Rusling and I. Rubinstein (Eds), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007, p.203-210.
65. “Construction of Nanostructures toward Molecular Devices: Polymeric Design, Supramolecular Approach, and Layer-by-Layer Architecture”
Katsuhiko Ariga, Takashi Nakanishi, Masahiko Miyahara
Polymeric Nanostructures and Their Applications
H.S.Nalwa(Ed), American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, 2007, Vol. 1, p.261-299.
64. “Self-Assembled Supramolecular Structures for Organic Electronics and Photonics”
Katsuhiko Ariga, Takashi Nakanishi, Jonathern P. Hill
Handbook of Organic Electronics and Photonics
H. S. Nalwa (Ed), American Scientific Publishers, 2007, Chapter 5, p.139-176.
63. “Preparations of Fullerene Assemblies in Organic Solvents”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Katsuhiko Ariga
Nanocarbon Handbook, NTS, 2007, 588-599. (in Japanese)
62. “Inmerceptible Fabrications and Outlook of Supramolecular Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi,* Tsuyoshi Michinobu
Nanocarbon Handbook, NTS, 2007, 695-699. (in Japanese)
61. “Supramolecular Chemistry of Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi, Naotoshi Nakashima
Nanocarbon Handbook, NTS, 2007, 567-581. (in Japanese)
60. “Development of Liquid Fullerenes”
Takashi Nakanishi*
NIMS Main Research Topics (Annual Report in 2006), NIMS, 2007, 3-4.
59. “Leading the most advanced research overseas based on what I learned at ICYS”
Takashi Nakanishi*
melting pot No. 11, NIMS, 2007, 6-7.
58. “Supramolecular Chemistry Cultivated at Oversea Research Centers”
Takashi Nakanishi*
Growing Polymer, Koubunshi, 2007, (10), 850. (in Japanese)