NIMS and Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering Concluded a “Joint Doctoral Program Agreement”.


National Institute for Materials Science
Waseda University

The National Institute for Materials Science and Waseda University concluded an “Agreement on Joint Doctoral Program between the Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering and National Institute for Materials Science” in order to contribute to the development of science and technology in Japan by further enhancing educational and research activities in the Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering, and promoting research activities in NIMS and dissemination of the results thereof.


  1. The National Institute for Materials Science (President: Prof. Teruo Kishi; hereinafter, NIMS) and Waseda University (President: Katsuhiko Shirai) concluded an “Agreement on Joint Doctoral Program between the Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering and National Institute for Materials Science” in order to contribute to the development of science and technology in Japan by further enhancing educational and research activities in the Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering, and promoting research activities in NIMS and dissemination of the results thereof.
  2. Under the agreement, NIMS and Waseda University will create a collaborative research system which places the Global COE at Waseda University in its core. In this system, NIMS researchers serve as Visiting Professors or Visiting Associate Professors of the Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering, and supervise doctoral program graduate students by pairing with Waseda University teaching staff.
  3. The both sides will build cooperative relationships in new ceramics, inorganic materials, semiconductors, biomaterials, polymer materials, and metallic crystal systems. NIMS researchers will serve as Visiting Professors of Waseda University, acting as chief examiners for doctoral dissertations, and will conduct research and educational activities for students in NIMS. In the education of students, students will be provided the highest level research and educational environment in Japan under the environment of the Waseda University Global COE, taking full advantage of the research facilities at NIMS, which include some of the world’s most advanced devices, as well as the international research environment at MANA (International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics), which was established recently by NIMS.
  4. This effort will make it possible for students to devote themselves fully to research activities in the highest level environment in Japan, which attracts first-class researchers who are open to the world, and to receive advanced practical education.