2023.04.01 Update

Code of Conduct

NIMS requests all our staff and guests who visit us to confirm with the following code. Please be sure to read and understand it before coming to NIMS.

Research Misconducts and Leakage of Information

Matters to be Observed:
  1. Do not conduct fraudulent research
  2. Do not let fraudulent research conducted
  3. Do not take part in fraudulent research
  4. Do not divulge the secret that has been made available in the course of the duties

*Fraudulent research shall mean specified fraudulent acts and any other inappropriate acts in research activities that substantially deviate from the ethics of researchers in light of the code of conduct of scientists and socially accepted norms.
*Specific fraudulent act:
“Forgery” … shall mean preparation of data, research results, etc., that do not exist in reality.
“Falsification” … shall mean fabrication of the results, etc., obtained from the data or research activities to turn them into what is not genuine by manipulating research data/equipment/processes to introduce changes thereto.
“Plagiarism” … shall mean misappropriation of an idea, analysis method, data, research results, research paper or terminology of another person without the agreement of such person or any appropriate indication.

Points to Note:

  1. Prepare without any fraudulence and store for a period of time designated by the Institute the materials (such as lab notes and various measured/calculated data) that are necessary for experimental results or calculation results to be reproduced or verified by a third party.
  2. With regard to jointly-conducted research or multi-authored papers, clarify the division of responsibility for experimental results or calculation results set out therein and confirm experiment procedures, various measured/calculated data, research reports, etc., in accordance with these standards of behavior.
  3. Do not commit acts, such as multi-posting, inadequate authorship, and inappropriate reference citation.
  4. When publicizing research results, such as the submission of papers and announcement of the research contents to the media, obtain agreement from the coauthor or immediate superior as well as follow the prescribed procedures. The person who agrees to the announcement shall recognize that he/she is responsible for the contents of the announcement.
  5. When resigning the post of the Institute, do not take out any research deliverables, etc. without permission. On that occasion, return lab notes to the Institute.
  6. On and after resigning the post of the Institute, pursuant to item 2 of Article 5 of the Rules of Employment for Permanent Employees, item 2 of Article 6 of the Rules of Employment for Career Building Employees, item 2 of Article 6 of the Rules of Employment for Fixed Term Employees and Article 7 of the Rules for the Handling of Research Deliverables, etc., do not disclose, divulge, or use outside the Institute the secret that has been made available in the course of the duties.
  7. When having violated 5 and 6, confirm that civil liability for compensation of damages needs to be assumed and that such unfair profits shall fully belong to the Institute.

Inappropriate Use of Research Funds

  1. Use research funds in a fair and effective manner in line with the research plan, based on the recognition that the funds are under management of NIMS.
  2. Understand regulations and administrative procedures set by NIMS and comply with them when using research funds. When the fund is sponsored by an external organization, it must be used also in accordance with the conditions for the grant or the contract set by the sponsor. In addition, avoid any method of use that is suspected to be inappropriate by a third party even if it is not an inappropriate use clearly in violation of regulations, etc.
  3. Ensure proper management of goods purchased with research funds to preserve assets of NIMS.
  4. Act in good faith when using research funds in order not to arouse people’s suspicion or mistrust in relation to interested parties such as vendors, etc.
  5. Endeavor to report the Internal Controls Office, if the employee would found suspicious case of the inappropriate use of research funds.
  6. Take the education program provided by NIMS.

Inquiry about this page

Compliance Office
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba-city
Ibaraki 305-0047 JAPAN
TEL: 029-859-2145
E-Mail: fuseiboushi=nims.go.jp(Please change "=" to "@")