The Change of Al L2,3 at the Welding Interface between Al and Cu
Dr. S. Fukushima (ANCC Advanced Surface Chemical Analysis Group)
For the practical application of microanalysis with ultra-soft X-ray spectroscopy in the laboratory scale, this group has developed a general-purpose ultra-soft X-ray micro-analyzer with electron beam excitation. One of the recent applications using this apparatus is the observation of the welding interface between metallic Al and metallic Cu.
From the measurement and the discussion with band theory (WIEN2k) and cluster calculation, it is revealed that the amount of Al 3d PDOS in the vicinity of Al atom are relatively decreased in comparison with Al 3s PDOS, when the quantity of Cu is increased. In contrast, it was also found that the amout of conduction electron at higher Brillouin zone was not changed so obviously. Thus, it can be concluded that the change of spectrum of the alloy might refrects these changes of DOS of valence electrons.