Non-volatile resistive switching memory devices based on solid electrolytes
Hongxuan Guo(先端プローブ顕微鏡NIMSポスドク研究員)
In My Ph. D works, the novel non-volatile memory devices with Ag/(AgI)0.5(AgPO3)0.5/Pt and Ag/Ag-Ag2S-AgPO3/Pt structures have been fabricated by using Pulse Laser Deposition (PLD) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) etching techniques. Most of the devices show magnificent performance. The resistive switching mechanism of these devices also has been analyzed. The 16×16 arrays of the non-volatile memory devices were fabricated by using lithography, 'lift off', pulsed laser deposition and the thermal evaporation deposition techniques. A resistive switching memory measurement system has been set up for the study of the electronic properties of the resistive switching memory devices. With this system, the DC and high frequency characteristics of the memory devices can be analyzed. A new type of electronic element, memristor, has also been researched in my works.