Latest advances in high-resolution atomic force microscopy: quantifying tip-surface short-range chemical forces and creation of atomic patterns one atom at a time.
Oscar Custance(ナノ計測センターナノメカニクスグループ)
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become a fundamental tool in nanoscience with multiple applications in different fields ranging from biology to physics or material science. NISM has recently created the Nanomechanics Group; a team that, among other goals, aims to push the limits on spatial resolution and force sensitivity of AFM, and to apply this technique to research activities in materials science and nanoarchitectonics.
This seminar intends to be a comprehensible introduction to AFM working with true atomic resolution, including recent breakthroughs in the field presented in an instructive way. A few examples showing the potential of this technique for research in material science will be given, and the future of the technique will be discussed.