Picosecond Laser Ultrasonics: classical directions for continuous progress.
Prof. Vitalyi Gusev (Universite du Maine, Le Mans, France)
The basic directions in the development of picoseconds laser ultrasonics, a research field related to all-optical generation and detection of picosecond acoustic pulses) are reviewed. They include the studies of physical mechanisms of acoustical phonons generation by laser radiation (thermoelasticity, deformation potential, inverse piezoelectrical effect, electrostriction, etc.), development of a variety of optical methods for acoustic wave detection (reflectometry, picosecond interferometry, beam deflection technique, picosecond ellipsometry, etc.) and the extension of the domain of possible applications.
Some fruitful results of our long-term collaboration with Hokkaido University are presented.
In parallel the research activities in the University of Maine on the mechanismssound generation in the vicinity of a metal/dielectric phase transition and in semiconductors, on the generation of picoseconds shear acoustic pulses, and on the detection of vibrations of thin films will be described.
T. Pezeril, P. Ruello, S. Gougeon, N. Chigarev, D. Mounier, J.-M. Breteau, P. Picart, V. Gusev, Generation and detection of plane coherent shear picosecond acoustic pulses by lasers: Experiments and theory, Phys. Rev. B, 2007, vol. 75, 174307(1-18)
P. Ruello, S. Zhang, P. Laffez, B. Perrin, V. Gusev, Ultrafast electronic dynamics in the metal-insulator transition, Phys. Rev. B 2007, v. 76, p. 165107 (1-5)