Magnetic oscillations in ion scattering
Dr. Taku. Suzuki (Atomic Beam Group , Quantum Beam Center)
In this talk, I will present our recent study on the nonadiabatic spin transition of an electron
spin-polarized 4He+ ion beam in the energy range of 0.2 - 2 keV. We successfully evaluated
the spin polarization of the He+ ion beam passing through a solenoid coil by measuring
the elastically scattered ion intensity from the magnetized Fe(100) target. We observed that
the beam polarization exhibited sinusoidal magnetic oscillation after passing through the
coil. Furthermore, the beam polarization almost completely reversed with single periodicity
in this oscillation. By comparison with the theory of the double-passage nonadiabatic transition,
we concluded that this oscillation corresponds to the Stuckelberg oscillation in beam
polarization. Thus, we propose that the quantum interference between the nonadiabatic
transitions using a single solenoid coil acts as an effective spin flipper.
Ref: T. Suzuki and Y. Yamauchi, to be published in Phys.Rev.A.