National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Center for GREEN Research on Energy and Environmental Materials

Interfacial Energy Conversion Group

Previous HP is here
last update 11, June 2020

Our interest is the chemical reactions at solid/liquid interface where electron transfer plays a key role. We study basic research on electrode catalysis, rechargeable battery-related electrode reactions. We are also intrest in photoenrgy conversion sytem such as organolead-halide perovskite materials for low-cost solar cells and next-generation PV. To understand those enegy conversion systems we also construct and apply in-situ laser spectroscopy system to study the interface structure and dynamics and to contribute to resolving the energy issue.

Our laboratory welcomes students interested in electrochemistry and catalytic chemistry. In addition, students who are interested in basic research to investigate the energy conversion process by examining the molecular and electronic structure on the surface using a laser spectroscopy are also welcome.


  • Application for NIMS Graduate Research Assistantship start. CLOSED
  • 2020 NIMS Open house is cancelled.
  • Morino Lecturer; 10-January, 2020
    Prof. Eric Borguet, Professor, Temple University, USA
    "Single Molecule Switching and Sensing"
  • NIMS week October 28-November 1, 2019
  • Morino Lecturer;The 74th GREEN Open Seminar;The 659th MANA Seminar;The 10th CFSN Seminar; 20, September 2019
    Prof. Eric Borguet, Professor, Temple University, USA
    "Single Molecule Switching and Sensing"
  • The 7 th CFSN Seminar 2-August, 2019
    Prof. Hua-Zhong Yu, Professor, Simon Fraser University, Australia
    "Desingned DNA Nano-switches as Sensitive Electrochemical Sensor"
  • The 72nd GREEN seminar 31-May, 2019
    Prof. David Lewis, Professor, Flinders University, Australia
    "The Engineering of Surfaces: from particles to solar cells"
  • NIMS Open house 21-April, 2019
  • New Interfacial Energy Conversion Group was started from 1, April 2018.


April 1, 2020
Dr. Yanagida and Dr. Shirai moved to new group.
April 1, 2020
New Postdoc researchers Dr. Kumeda and Dr. Chinapang joined Skaushi's team.
October-1, 2019
Ms. Gao Joined our group.
April-26, 2019
NIMS-Hokkaido Univ. chemistry lab. welcome party in Namiki site.
April-15, 2019
New WEB site was open.
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Namiki 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaragi
JAPAN 305-0044
