Univ. Tsukuba-NIMS Special Seminar

Physics after the lab and the desk: Your work in PRL

Dr. Samindranath Mitra
Editor, Physical Review Letters
2018年9月19日(水), Sep.19 (Wed.), 2018 10:30-11:30

つくば国際会議場 2階中会議室202
Tsukuba International Congress Center


  In a talk structured to encourage interspersed Q and A, I will discuss the dissemination of your physics results that follows the lab, the keyboard, and the desk. You communicate results through posters, talks, and papers in a cascading sequence that entails interacting with journal editors, referees, conference chairs, journalists, department chairs, deans, funding agencies, and others. I will focus on this post-research collaborative process in physics, now in a state of flux in the age of social media and Google Scholar, primarily through the lens that is Physical Review Letters.