178th Special MMU Seminar

Magnetization dynamics and relaxation in magnetic films

Professor Shigemi Mizukami
WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research
Tohoku University
Date: Friday, Aug. 31, 2012
Time: 16:00 - 17:00
Place: 8th floor middle seminar room, Sengen

Manipulation of GHz range magnetization dynamics for magnetic films and nano structure is one of the interesting issues in recent spintronics. Magnetization dynamics is, basically, written by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation:

where, ƒ¿ is the so-called Gilbert damping constant, which characterizes magnitude of gfrictionh or gdampingh torque acting on magnetization motion, and also influence significantly to performance of some spintronics devices using spin-transfer-torque effect. History of study on the Gilbert damping is quite long, started from the middle of last century, however its understanding is not yet enough.
I plan to give the overview of research on Gilbert damping, e.g., basic data for Fe-Co-Ni alloys, proposed mechanisms, and recent theoretical understanding. And then, I will talk about our studies on Gilbert damping for various kind of magnetic films with in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic anisotropies, such as Heusler alloy or L10 ordered alloys.