MANA/ICYS Reunion Workshop 2014


Somobrata Acharya,Centre for Advanced Materials (CAM), Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India
David Bowler, University College London, UK
Richard Charvet, ADOCIA, France
Arcan Dericioglu, Middle East Tech. University, Ankara, Turkey
Emiliana Fabbri, Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss
Ujjal Gautam, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre, India
Cesar Pay Gomez, Uppsala University, Sweden
JaeDong Lee, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Pance Naumov, New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Takeo Ono, Tohoku University, Japan
James Owen, Zyvex Labs, USA
Daniele Pergolesi, Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss
Martin Pumera, Nanyan Tech. University, Singapore
Samuel Sanchez, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany
Wolfgang Schmitt, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Lok Kumar Shrestha, MANA, NIMS
Yoshihiro Takahashi, Tohoku University, Japan
Ajayan Vinu, University of Queensland, Australia
Janos Volk, MFA of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Genki Yoshikawa, MANA, NIMS
Chunyi Zhi, City University of Hong Kong, China

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